Origin of our name Pokémart.be

Origin of our name Pokémart.be

In 2017, it started to itch again to delve back into Pokémon, the reason being the launch of a new Pokémon game on the Nintento Switch: Pokémon Let’s Go! This game has prompted me to continue adding to my existing Pokémon collection with the latest series.

Poké Mart

Pokémon Mart (Japanese: フレンドリィショップ Cozy Shop) usually named as the Poké Mart, is a supermarket that sells the necessities for Pokémon training. All Poké Marts sell standard adventure supplies (such as HP, condition upgrades, and of course Poké Balls), some stores also sell special items that are often unique (such as Net Balls in Blackthorn City and Quick Balls in Lavender Town). Much of the merchandise sold at Poké Marts , is produced by Silph C. or the Devon Corporation. Poké Marts also buys over many items from customers, usually at half the normal retail price.

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