Delivery and Implementation

  1. All goods and services will be delivered to the address you specify when you place your order.
  2. When an item is in stock it will be offered to your delivery address in 1 to 4 business days. When an item is not in webshop stock, it will be offered at your delivery address in 3 to 6 business days. We will inform you of the delivery time in your order confirmation.
  3. Deliveries are made no later than 1-2 business days after payment.

Conditions Delivery process and costs

  1. If we are unable to deliver on time, we will always notify you before the scheduled delivery date. If we do not, you may waive your order at no charge.  In that case, we will refund you no later than 30 days after rescission.
  2. Our shipments are always made at our risk. So you don’t have to worry about goods getting lost in the mail. However, if you return goods to us within 14 days of purchase because you would prefer not to keep them, you are responsible for transportation.
  3. If the goods delivered by us were damaged in transit, do not match the items listed on the delivery note or do not match the items you ordered, you must report this as soon as possible and certainly within 3 days and return the items to us within 14 calendar days of receipt. [The following sentence applies only if you use a return form and send it along]. You must use the enclosed “return form” for this purpose. If you have any questions when completing this return form, please contact one of our staff at the email address

We cannot be held responsible for any consequential damages due to late delivery or non-delivery by the carrier appointed by the company. Our liability in such cases is limited to the value of the items shown not to have been received by the customer.